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Houston Springs Golf Club Events & Announcements

Upcoming Events


No Tournaments in December, January, February

The Golf Committee will not hold a golf tournament in December due to the holidays.
There will not be tournaments also for the months of January & February due to

Saturday Golf

All golfers are welcome.
First Saturday in November through last Saturday in April: Show up time is 9:30 am; Tee off at 10:00 am.

First Saturday in May through last Saturday in October: Show up time is 8:30 am; Tee off at 9:00 am. Entry fee is $5.00 to play plus (optional) $2.00 closest to the pin holes son par 3's. One on the front 9 and one on the back 9. Please bring $5.00 or $7.00 with you. Change is hard to make because of the payouts. Playing teams are put together for play but a blind draw is used to determine teams and scoring at the end of 18 holes. Teams can be 3 or 4 players depending on how many show up. Scoring per hole will be discussed with any new players. Payouts are determined by how many teams are playing that Saturday. New players (without an established score of at least three rounds, will be informed of the rules for scoring. Please contact Gary Brown 478-987-5264 with any questions.


SUNDAY GOLF FUN - 9-Hole Scramble - Every golfer is welcome.

Meet at Fairway Ridge Cluibhouse by 1:30 pm (weather permitting).
Play will start at 2:00 pm. Individual couples will be paired rogether, there there will be a blind draw for all teams (including couples) to round out teams.

No cart fee. $3.00 per person entry fee.

Any questions please call Gary Brown 478-987-5264


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Congratulations to John Harris for his hole-in-one at the par 3 #4 hole on 8 April 2024 during the scramble golf tournament.


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Congratulations to Rick Rice for his hole-in-one at the par 3 #4 hole on December 9, 2023. As a member of the Saturday Hole-in-One Club, Rick took home the prize money of $242. Great shot Rick!


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Congratulations to Jack Pettyjohn for his hole-in-one at the par 3 # 11 6/12/2023 Scramble Golf Tournament


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Congratulations to Bill Sumner for his Hole in One at the par 3 #11 3/13/2023 at the St Patrick's Day Golf Scramble.


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Congratulations to Rich Foskey for his Hole in One
at the par 3 #11 12/10/2022.
Rich's great shot rewarded him with the $229 prize
from the Saturday Morning Hole in One Club.


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Believe it or not, Duane Cochran had a Hole-in-One on #4 at 1:35 pm on Thursday, March 10, 2022. Congratulations, Duane!


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Congratulations to Steve Rice for a Hole-in-One on #4!

Do you believe it?


Past Events & Annoucements


October 21st Tournament

October 21, 2024

The Houston Springs Golf Committee held a tournament on Monday, October 21, 2024, at its home course. Twenty-seven players showed at 8:30 am and played at 9:00 am.

First Place Team was Woody Woodward, Steve Rice, Glenn Manning & Darlene Rice.
Second Place Team was Gus Gentry, Rich Foskey, George Heck & Laurie Higgins.
Third Place Team was Mike Froehlich, Ernie Oppizzi, Tom Wilson & Duane Cochran.
Fourth Place was a tie with team Fred McBride, Don Teter, Mike Slade, & Wade Stewart, and the other team Rick Rice, Gary Brown, & Bill Kenard. Closest to the hole on #4 was Fred McBride, and on hole #15 was Darlene Rice.
The first 50/50 winner was Jeannie Teter, and the second winner was Randy

Everyone enjoyed the fellowship and excellent weather. Do not forget the hot dogs & fixings; everyone looks forward to them at the end of the tournament.


Scramble Golf Tournament

September 23, 2024

The Houston Springs Golf Committee held a scramble golf tournament on its home course on Monday, September.23, 2024. Six teams of three players each met at the Pro Shop at 8:30 am and played at 9:00 am. First Place team was Wood Woodward, Steve Rice & Pat McCloskey. Second Place team was Steve Tillery, Grady Trussell, & Mike Slade. Three teams tied for Third Place: Ray Novakowski, Glenn Manning & Mike Froehlich; Ernie Oppizzi, Fred McBride & Tom Wilson; Gus Gentry, Harry Johnson & Darlene Rice. Closest to the hole on #2 was Glenn Manning, and Pat McCloskey on hole #14. Harry Johnson won the first 50/50 and John Harris the second one. Everyone seemed to enjoy the excellent weather, the fellowship between golfers, & the hot dogs & fixings. Another good day of golf on the links of Houston Springs.


Scramble Golf Tournament

August 26, 2024

The Houston Springs Golf Committee held a scramble golf tournament on its home course on Monday, August 26th, 2024. Twenty-seven players showed at 8:30 am and played at 9:00 am. The First Place team was Gus Gentry, Dennis Craig, & Darlene Rice. Second Place team was Al Deloreto, Steve Rice, Glenn Manning & Duane Cochran. Third Place team was Ray Novakowski, Grady Trussell, Larry Griffith & Clair Long. Fourth Place was Woody Woodward, Ernie Oppizzi, John Harris & Jeannie Teter. Closest to the pin on #4 was Steve Tillery & Al Deloreto on #14. Steve Tillery won the first 50/50 & Glenn Manning the second. The weather was good & the players enjoyed a fun day of golf and hot dogs & fixings at the end of the tournament.


Golf Tournament

July 15, 2024

The Houston Springs Golf Committee held a golf tournament on Monday, July 15, 2024 on its home course. There were seven teams of four players each that met at 8:30 am and played at 9:00 am.

First Place team was Al Deloreto, Dennis Craig, Glenn Manning and George Heck.

Second Place team was Steve Tillery, Rick Rice, Grady Trussell and Tom Wilson.

Third Place team was Ernie Oppizzi, Woody Woodward, Lenny Griffith and Harry Johnson.

Fourth Place was a tie between the team of Ray Novakowski, Steve Rice, Gary Brown and Jeannie Teter, and
the team of Randy Windham, Mike Froelich, John Harris and Lamar Howell.

The two closest to the holes were Fred McBride and Glenn Manning. Woody Woodward won the first 50/50 and Glenn Manning the second.

The weather was hot but everyone enjoyed golf, fellowship and their friends. Again, the hot dogs and fixings were enjoyed by all.

The Houston Springs Golf Committee will have a scramble golf tournament on Monday, August 26, 2024, at its home course. Cost is $20, 50/50 (3/$5) two drawings. Players will show at 8:30 am and play at 9:00 am. Deadline to sign up is Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at noon. Hot dogs and fixings will be provided. Sign up sheet is posted in the pro shop.


Golf Scramble June 10th

June 10, 2024

The Houston Springs Golf Committee will hold a scramble golf tournament on Monday, June 10, 2024, on its home course.

Cost is $20, 50/50 (3 for $5) 2 drawings.
Show at 8:30 am and play at 9:00 am.
Deadline to sign up is Thursday, June 6, 2024, at noon. Hot dogs and fixings will be provided.

Come enjoy fellowship with your friends and neighbors while playing golf.



April 8, 2024

Congratulations to John Harris for his hole-in-one at the par 3 #4 hole on 8 April 2024 during the scramble golf tournament.


Golf Tournament - Cancelled

January 15, 2024

The Golf tournament scheduled for January 15th has been cancelled.



SUNDAY GOLF FUN - 9-Hole Scramble - Every golfer is welcome.

Meet at Fairway Ridge Cluibhouse by 1:30 pm (weather permitting).
Play will start at 2:00 pm. Individual couples will be paired rogether, there there will be a blind draw for all teams (including couples) to round out teams.

No cart fee. $3.00 per person entry fee.

Any questions please call Gary Brown 478-987-5264


Saturday Golf

All golfers are welcome.
First Saturday in November through last Saturday in April: Show up time is 9:30 am; Tee off at 10:00 am.

First Saturday in May through last Saturday in October: Show up time is 8:30 am; Tee off at 9:00 am. Entry fee is $5.00 to play plus (optional) $2.00 closest to the pin holes son par 3's. One on the front 9 and one on the back 9. Please bring $5.00 or $7.00 with you. Change is hard to make because of the payouts. Playing teams are put together for play but a blind draw is used to determine teams and scoring at the end of 18 holes. Teams can be 3 or 4 players depending on how many show up. Scoring per hole will be discussed with any new players. Payouts are determined by how many teams are playing that Saturday. New players (without an established score of at least three rounds, will be informed of the rules for scoring. Please contact Gary Brown 478-987-5264 with any questions.


Houston Springs Community Association
1111 Quail Ridge Lane
Perry, GA 31069

HSCA Property Manager


Website Administrator

© Houston Springs Community Association
The content and information on this website are property of the Houston Springs Community Association and cannot be reproduced or redistributed in any way without the express written consent of the HSCA.

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